Sunday, November 16, 2008

Have We Been Setup?

The timing of the current "economic crisis" makes me wonder if perhaps there isn't some sort of a setup going on here. Why do I wonder if this is true? To begin with, look at how suddenly it hit the fan. The Bear, Stearns and Lehman debacles seemed to pop up out of nowhere. They surfaced relatively close to election day, so that people didn't really have a chance to digest and understand them. Notice how the Iraq War quickly went from the centerpoint of the debate to the back burner?

Is it possible that this whole scenario was orchestrated to allow Obama to come across as the savior of the western world? (In a recent poll, some 70% of people voiced their confidence in his ability to solve the current crisis). Obama is at best a Keynesian and at worst a Marxist. (He'll probably come down somewhere in between). He'll continue to borrow and spend and that's just what the owners of the Federal Reserve want - for America to go deeper into hock to them.

Obama is in fact a typical politician. He's certainly a talented orator. Aside from that he has no goal but to feed his own ego. He of course knows what's best for the rest of us, and he certainly has a much better handle on what to do with our money than we who earn it do. Anyone who attributes altruistic motives to Obama (or virtually any other professional politician for that matter) is misguided. For these guys, it's all about control. The more you depend on them, the more control they have over you. If a politician has nothing to give, why would anyone need him?

I also find it fascinating that Obama and his advisors are now sequestered in Chicago planning for how to proceed when he takes office in January 2009. One would have thought that based on his campaign he had all this stuff figured out already. Don't tell me he's still searching for answers!